December 21, 2021

Agedashi-dofu, deep-fried tofu

Agedashi-dofu, deep-fried tofu breaded with potato starch. 揚げ出し豆腐

Firm silken tofu (kinugoshi) is cut into cubes, before being lightly dusted with katakuriko or potato starch and then deep fried until golden brown. It is then served in a hot broth (tentsuyu) made of dashi, mirin, sake and soy sauce, with finely-chopped negi (spring onion), grated daikon radish or katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) sprinkled on top.


An old and well-known dish, already included in a Japanese tofu cookbook Tofu Hyakuchin ("One hundred tofu"), published in 1782, alongside other tofu dishes such as chilled tofu (hiyayakko) and simmered tofu (yudofu).

Other agedashi dishes can be prepared with a similar technique, such as for example agedashi-nasu (揚げ出し茄子), using eggplant. 

Photos from Wikimedia Commons.

Japanese Food Dictionary